Learn How to Play Bali’s Traditional Orchestra

Learning to play a musical instrument is rewarding in many ways. Through music, both kids and adults can learn discipline, express creativity and find a healthy way to manage stress. In Bali, and if you’re not Balinese, learning the traditional music instruments such as Gamelan is a lot more than just doing a fun, stress-releasing activity, for it also provides a lovely experience that can serve to give you a deeper appreciation towards traditional music.

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Why Choose A Traditional Balinese House As A Home Design?

The Unique Traditional Balinese House

Balinese traditional house is closely related to the harmony of nature. That’s why the Balinese architecture of buildings using a lot of stone and wood carved in such a way that looks very clear characteristics of traditional Balinya. Harmony with nature is a meaning which means how man can balance his life with nature, with others, and also the Creator of the Universe.

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Tradisi metuakan atau minum arak khas Bali adalah salah satu tradisi yang sudah terkenal sejak dahulu, tradisi ini berasal dari salah satu daerah di bali yaitu Karangasem. Karangasem merupakan penghasil tuak terbesar di Bali. Hampir di setiap desa bisa dijumpai warga yang berprofesi sebagai pembuat tuak dan penjual tuak bahkan hampir di setiap warung bisa ditemui warga yang sekedar bercengkrama sambil menikmati tuak. Tuak dari karangasem ini juga dijual di daerah-daerah di luar Karangasem.

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